Get Your House in Order
Its time to reflect on your spending for 2013, AHHHHHHHHHH I know, I know, you don't want to reveal all your bad habits right. Even though you should be doing this weekly but we will not go there this time. Well in order to change the future you have to reflect upon the past. Every bank now has purchase analyzers, and budget tools. Take a minute to look at your institution. It should give you a snapshot like the one below:
So now that you have taken that brave next step and taken a look at your current financial state.
What does it say? Are you proud, sad, disappointed?
If you find that your banks tool are not user friendly or easy then there are other options.
My rule of thumb is make it easy for yourself. Most people don't budget b/c they over think it. This technology era we live in has made life so easy."There's an App for that"