Friday, June 27, 2014

It's time

For the past couple weeks I have been on a mental journey and let me tell you, I have been over the mountain and back again. I knew it was time for me to make some moves but I couldn't figure out how to go about it. So in essence I coached myself. I researched every piece of coaching literature, I called a few coaches, and even compiled my findings into a article. Then I mulled over it some more, bought a few books and continued to mull. Then I was speaking to someone the other day and he said "Make your plan,Work your plan." Once I took my head out of my books and articles I realized that I had made a pretty detailed plan. There I did exactly what the gentleman said I started working my plan. 
Dashers there are some great things underway for Sultry Dash and I know you guys will be pleased! But you see Dashers we all get caught up in the limbo land of decision making.So many of us get in our own way by overthinking, and by obsessing about potential outcomes. Just like me, it made me loose my way and part of my mind. It made me mad, tired and annoyed and that's not a place I want to be.
If you want to find focus and direction ITS TIME to just do it. Here are a few tips on how I made a plan and started working it.

1. Make the decision that you are done with excuses
2. Break down your goals, wants, and needs and place them in separate columns
3. Work each column separately, and develop the ideas
4. Now create a plan that is SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely)
5. Put it to ACTION
6. Revisit your plan daily (Tip: Place you goals in a place you visit often in your home)

Make moves people because IT IS TIME TO STEP INTO YOUR DESTINY!

Friday, June 6, 2014

Your Fitness Motivation for the Month of JUNE from @SoPhit4you

Sophia Lafontant
at 2014 Body Builder
I'm so glad to be able to collaborate with this wonderful super woman. She always has great tips that I cant provide you. I can help you determine your goals and get to the next level, but when it comes to fitness this woman is my go to girl. She is always willing to answer silly fat girl questions about fitness.  So I asked her to tell us how she coaches her clients that are always on the go and she responded with this:
When working with my clients, I encourage them to take meals and do ingredient substitutions.  There are many common meals that if ingredients were substituted for a healthier ingredient, an individual could get that satisfaction without the bad results.  My favorite morning sandwich is a homemade bacon, egg, and cheese!
Today’s Recipe:  Egg White Scramble Sandwich
Any veggies of your choice (bell peppers, sweet peppers, mushrooms, spinach)
Egg White
Reduced Fat Cheddar or Mozzarella Cheese
Ezekiel Bread
**Sorry there is no healthy breakfast meat currently.  If you just have to have it, Canadian Bacon has the least amount of fat.
Now for a full body workout that can be completed at home with no weights!!
I love the ladder method for beginners J
Start at 10 and countdown.  You will end up completing 10 cycles of the following:
Push Ups
The first round you will do 10,  2nd round do 9, and 3rd round do 8 all the way down to 1. Take a 60 sec breaks in between every cycle. This workout can be completed while you watch your favorite TV show! 
I then asked Sophia what's new and she told me all about her latest fitness challenge. You can find all the info on FB @
Sophia LaFontant