Sunday, April 20, 2014

Week 4: Congratulate Yourself

I know its been a hard road but this is the last week of your transformation. Congratulation on all your small and large victories! I know there are still things that you want to accomplish and guess what there is still time!

I also found myself a little behind this week on my plans and had to adjust. However, I did not give up and I don't expect you to do so either! Find the strength to continue and I know you will feel excellent at the end of this week.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Week 3: Pull the Trigger

It's time to PULL THE TRIGGER there is only one full week left in the month after this. You don't want to be caught with you pants down. You will regret not completing all the tasks you planned on.

With that being said lets take a moment to celebrate the victories you have accomplished.
Yay Yay Yay Go You!


Never forget to congratulate yourself on all your victories just don't go overboard, you don't need those new red bottoms, a Panera trip will do.

Remember pulling the trigger is such a hard thing to do, but a necessary part of life. So visit my article on "Pulling the Trigger" for a little inspiration. I know you can do this just put your mind to it and make it happen. Have a great week Dashers!
Pulling the Trigger check it out I'm sure it will help!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Week2: Make constant Assesment

Hey you Dashers I'm sure you had an awesome week of planning and accomplishing the things you have put off for sooooo long.

Now its time to look back and then look forward. What did you really accomplish? What kept you from completing all your tasks?

Here is the time to be real with yourself, did you just not feel like it, did you not use your time wisely? Whatever it could be its OK, just try again this week, but write down beside each goal why you didn't complete it. Then simply complete it!

Again make sure your goals are thought through fully. Don't put goals you think you want but be realistic and choose things that are real and choose things that are hard and easy. Here are some examples of goals:

Goal 1
  1. Work on my attitude by buying a self help book on how to improve my attitude.
    1. Complete book by 04/10/2014
Goal 2
  1. Save for a new baby stroller by bringing my lunch to work 4 days a week and cutting my shopping on misc. items by 50%
    1. Buy stroller by 05/04/2014
Here is a goal sheet to help guide you, GOOD LUCK THIS WEEK! Remember keep it SULTRY!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Week 1: Stop the BS

No more procrastination its time to get things accomplished!
  1. Start setting  goals(financial, personal, career)
  • Remember create SMART goals
    • See my blog about setting goals
2.       Keep your BS meter on at all times
  • check out my blog on BS meters.
3.       Create a dream board and visit it every day
4.       Recruit help from friends or professionals to help keep your motivation
  • There is a dynamic article on my blog about "Pulling the trigger" I'm sure it will get your gears going.
5.       Have confidence in yourself and don’t give up!

Here are some great templates to help organize all aspects of your life.
Grocery List

Email me at if you have any questions, need advice or have any concerns.