The body is amazing and the mind is even more extraordinary. I'm sure you have heard the stories of people going in to comas and waking up after months and years. Only leaving the explanation of it being a miracle and that the mind just needed to fix itself.
Well some of us don't get a time out in that manner. We have had to learn the art of "RECOVERING" since we were children.
However big or small we still all have to pull ourselves up by our boot traps and recover from the situation, in our own special way. You may even think your friends problems are small compared to yours or maybe large compared to your own situation, but I say to each his own. Only you know how something touches or hurts you.
This is why The Power of Recovery is so important! The Webster dictionary said it the best "regaining possession of something stolen or lost." WOW you cant tell me that when you are down that you don't feel bamboozled, stolen from and the feeling of lack of control. When you don't have the ablility to recover you loose the ablitlity to make decisions. Life feels like its spiraling out of control and you just want it to stop.
Choosing to overcome your situation is a tough decision but those of you who choose to RECOVER, made the hard decision. Giving up is easier than trying, so don't take the easy way out. Making the decision to recover can be done in many ways.
- Religion/Spiritual-Turning to a higher power and accepting the love that is preached in religion gives many people hope and confidence to continue on happily.
- Professionals-Are always good for learning how to channel anger or confusion in order to help the mind recover from stress.
- Mediation-Sitting with yourself and allowing your mind and body to become as one. Helps you to focus and relax in order for you to see things clearly.
- Head On- Attack certain situation head on, get your answers, but not at the cost of you life or health.
- Closure/Forgiveness- Sometimes the answer will not be revealed so you have to forgive the person or the universe, in order for you to move on and have a happy life.