Tuesday, September 16, 2014

4 To Do's Before you Start a Budget Program

4 To Do's Before you Start a Budget Program

Congratulations you have already conquered step one and that is identifying that you need guidance. Creating a budget can be difficult work, but with the right preparation you will be able to create one with ease. I’ll teach you to understand your money and manage it so that money works for and not the other way around. No one likes to chase money and these preps will help you become the money savvy queen you aspire to be.
1)    Realizing the problem and seeking help
    Many of us deny our problems until they become an issue, and that happens right around the time your bill reminders pop up or your account has less than 50 dollars. Then we get paid or get a loan from a friend and we are back on our high horse. Then sadly to say once that’s gone we are back at the beginning. It’s a deadly cycle that we put ourselves through.

I noticed this was the trend among my clients and I wanted to develop a plan to help them transition into financial responsibility. Which brings us to the next few tips on how to prep for a financial plan.

2)     Mindset is this biggest block individuals have to overcome in order to be successful in changing their spending habits. You must take 2-3 days preparing your mind and your body. This no different than prepping yourself for fast. Everyone knows you never just jump into it head first or you end up ill. The days leading up to a fast you start to wean yourself off of the fatty foods and start eating cleaner.

A financial plan has similar devices. The days leading up to the change you want to make sure this what you whole heartily want to do.  Financial stability is a way of life, it’s not a quick fix that lasts forever. You have to be ready for the changes you will have to endure.

3)     This is a tough one, but during the days leading up to your financial change you MUST go on a spending freeze. This will allow any pending or processing inquiries to clear before you start. The spending freeze involves only using money for necessities; therefore, this is not the time for fast food outings and shopping.

4)     Lastly, research is key to a smooth process. Before you start the process take the time to gather a few items. Whether you are going at this alone or meeting with a professional you put be prepared. Gather the following items:

a.     Previous year taxes

b.     Last 2 paychecks

c.     Last 2 bank statements

d.     All bill

e.     Current amounts of bank accounts

f.      Retirement balances

g.     Debt-Credit report

h.     Financial goals for 6mths, 1year & 5-10years(can be done w/ a professional)

Use these tools and you will be ready to make the needed financial changes. If you fall off the wagon revisit these simple tools to get you back on track. For more tips on financial matters and all things in between visit www.sultrydash.blogspot.com.  All coaching inquiries please email Kiyah@intrinsicgrowthlifecoaching.com


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