Friday, January 31, 2014

Bull S***

The Bull S*** Meter
The BS Meter is an essential tool in personal growth. Many of us go through life playing out this weird “I’m a celebrity in my own eye,” "Reality TV" fantasy world.  Living a high class life style on a Ramen noodle budget and wondering why at the end of the month your bank account is  -0.

It’s time to quit the BS and live your real life. The life where you sometimes have to say, “no I can’t go out tonight” nor “do I really need another red pump”.

It’s time to build a quality life and not a superficial one. Where looking at your account doesn’t create the “The Shudder Effect” (to cringe at your account amount) or deadlines don't overwhelm because they are already met.

Now what excuse do you tell yourself? I deserve it because I had a hard day. In only 10 minutes late. Do you believe the excuses?

“That’s some BS”

Free yourself from the shackles of society, opinions and guilty pleasures and here’s how to do it.

1.       Start setting  goals

2.       Keep your BS meter on at all times

3.       Create a dream board and visit it every day

4.       Recruit help from friends or professionals to help keep your motivation

5.       Have confidence in yourself and don’t give up

When it comes to goal setting here is a Tip:

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Mind Your Business & Get Ahead

Mind Your Business & Get ahead

What is it about the job gossiper that erks your nervous? It’s the lack of professionalism, intelligence, humility and the same reasons your boss hates them too. I’m sure you know exactly who I am talking about. Keep their name to yourself but you know exactly who I’m referring too. On every job I’ve held there is always someone who shares too much or gathers info on you to use for ill intentions. I had to learn very quick that not everyone is your friend and not everyone has good intentions.

Keeping your business personal and close to home will actually help you in your career.  A great example of this is in popular figures in pop culture is mega star BeyoncĂ©. BeyoncĂ© has been able to keep her private life.....well "PRIVATE" and when she decided to share she did it on her own terms by releasing “Life is but a dream”. We all should adopt this philosophy controlling the information that is said about  us. It gives  you control over the sources. There is nothing wrong with having a work persona and a home persona, mixing the two can taint the way others perceive you.

Think about your ultimate goal of working, make more money, and make more money! So who do you think they will give the promotion to? The employee who wines all the time, comes to work mad at the world, and everyone knows exactly what’s happening in their household or the respectable, friendly well-polished, never letting personal stuff effect there appearance or attitude employee. Im sure your picked the second employee.

Here are some tips on topics that are off limits

·         Negative stories about your significant other

·         Your financial state

·         Your daily health aches

·         Anything sexual

·         Other co-workers

·         Unnecessary gossip

·         Complaining about pay or the job

Try keeping the conversations light, even if your co-workers don’t share the same philosophy. I’m not saying don’t share anything about you. I’m saying censor the information you disseminate. Stick to topics such as:

·         How was your day(people they don’t really want to know, just say FINE)

·         Weather

·         Children accomplishments

·         Current events

·         Recipes

·         Sports

The main thing is to keep them guessing. Your co-workers shouldn’t be able to tell your life story for you. So think about what picture your co-workers can paint about you.

By: Shakiyah Woods


Thoughts on a snowy day!

This Snowy day has brought me happiness!
Being an entrepreneur can be extremely tough. So many people doubting your abilities, cultural stigmas, and economic downfalls. However, I know what really makes an entrepreneur is a person who sees the success through it all, pushes forward even when the odds are stacked against them. I think about that so often and its what gets me through. I constantly ask the man above for guidance and honesty. I ask him for trials and tribulation because I know those tests are what will get me through my next crisis.

I want to succeed so bad I can visualize it but I know there are steps, goals to accomplish, and work that has to be done. I have made the necessary steps to be success. I am making decisions that will develop my craft and set me up for success. 

So I ask what are you doing in order to create your happiness? No one is going to give it to you not even the man above. He even requires good works to get your blessings. 

Just thought I would drop a note on this snowy day!