You are not alone! We all get so excited about an idea, or promising situations but we do not prepare ourselves for the event. Then, when we start we do not spend enough time with it.
Just like motherhood and fatherhood, when you have a new born baby in order for the child to grow into an outstanding adult. You have to spend time, nuturing, nursing and molding that child and it doesnt stop at 18. That analagy doesnt work for you? When you start a garden you have to treat the soil, water, pull weeds and even talk to your plants in order to reap a great harvest. Hope that one worked.
What I'm saying is you have to make time for the things you want. The things that are good for you and your future. Im talking about learning to save money, starting your own business, or simply getting through the day without panic. Try these five tips:
1)Set aside an allotted amount of time each day.
2)Minimize all distractions by removing yourself from your normal environment.
3)Have an accountability . A friend, partner, coach or a family member.
4)Get organized; reducing the clutter visual will help reduce clutter mentally.
5)Lastly, think postive and don't get upset identity you do not accomplish the task. Use that as fuel to do it differently next time.
Now Go be Winners !