Monday, October 13, 2014

Do you feel like you never win? Here's Why

Do you feel like every time you start a new project it somehow never gets finished? Ask yourself how many workout programs have you started and never finished? How many diet books do you have? How many tasks have failed to complete? Those dreams of a better life; Oh and didnt you say that you were going to start a new business this Fall?
You are not alone! We all get so excited about an idea, or promising situations but we do not prepare ourselves for the event. Then, when we start we do not spend enough time with it.
Just like motherhood and fatherhood, when you have a new born baby in order for the child to grow into an outstanding adult. You have to spend time, nuturing, nursing and molding that child and it doesnt stop at 18. That analagy doesnt work for you? When you start a garden you have to treat the soil, water, pull weeds and even talk to your plants in order to reap a great harvest. Hope that one worked.
What I'm saying is you have to make time for the things you want. The things that are good for you and your future. Im talking about learning to save money, starting your own business, or simply getting through the day without panic. Try these five tips:
1)Set aside an allotted amount of time each day.
2)Minimize all distractions by removing yourself from your normal environment.

 3)Have an accountability . A friend, partner, coach or a family member.
4)Get organized; reducing the clutter visual will help reduce clutter mentally.
5)Lastly, think postive and don't get upset identity you do not accomplish the task. Use that as fuel to do it differently next time.
Now Go be Winners !

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

4 To Do's Before you Start a Budget Program

4 To Do's Before you Start a Budget Program

Congratulations you have already conquered step one and that is identifying that you need guidance. Creating a budget can be difficult work, but with the right preparation you will be able to create one with ease. I’ll teach you to understand your money and manage it so that money works for and not the other way around. No one likes to chase money and these preps will help you become the money savvy queen you aspire to be.
1)    Realizing the problem and seeking help
    Many of us deny our problems until they become an issue, and that happens right around the time your bill reminders pop up or your account has less than 50 dollars. Then we get paid or get a loan from a friend and we are back on our high horse. Then sadly to say once that’s gone we are back at the beginning. It’s a deadly cycle that we put ourselves through.

I noticed this was the trend among my clients and I wanted to develop a plan to help them transition into financial responsibility. Which brings us to the next few tips on how to prep for a financial plan.

2)     Mindset is this biggest block individuals have to overcome in order to be successful in changing their spending habits. You must take 2-3 days preparing your mind and your body. This no different than prepping yourself for fast. Everyone knows you never just jump into it head first or you end up ill. The days leading up to a fast you start to wean yourself off of the fatty foods and start eating cleaner.

A financial plan has similar devices. The days leading up to the change you want to make sure this what you whole heartily want to do.  Financial stability is a way of life, it’s not a quick fix that lasts forever. You have to be ready for the changes you will have to endure.

3)     This is a tough one, but during the days leading up to your financial change you MUST go on a spending freeze. This will allow any pending or processing inquiries to clear before you start. The spending freeze involves only using money for necessities; therefore, this is not the time for fast food outings and shopping.

4)     Lastly, research is key to a smooth process. Before you start the process take the time to gather a few items. Whether you are going at this alone or meeting with a professional you put be prepared. Gather the following items:

a.     Previous year taxes

b.     Last 2 paychecks

c.     Last 2 bank statements

d.     All bill

e.     Current amounts of bank accounts

f.      Retirement balances

g.     Debt-Credit report

h.     Financial goals for 6mths, 1year & 5-10years(can be done w/ a professional)

Use these tools and you will be ready to make the needed financial changes. If you fall off the wagon revisit these simple tools to get you back on track. For more tips on financial matters and all things in between visit  All coaching inquiries please email


Friday, June 27, 2014

It's time

For the past couple weeks I have been on a mental journey and let me tell you, I have been over the mountain and back again. I knew it was time for me to make some moves but I couldn't figure out how to go about it. So in essence I coached myself. I researched every piece of coaching literature, I called a few coaches, and even compiled my findings into a article. Then I mulled over it some more, bought a few books and continued to mull. Then I was speaking to someone the other day and he said "Make your plan,Work your plan." Once I took my head out of my books and articles I realized that I had made a pretty detailed plan. There I did exactly what the gentleman said I started working my plan. 
Dashers there are some great things underway for Sultry Dash and I know you guys will be pleased! But you see Dashers we all get caught up in the limbo land of decision making.So many of us get in our own way by overthinking, and by obsessing about potential outcomes. Just like me, it made me loose my way and part of my mind. It made me mad, tired and annoyed and that's not a place I want to be.
If you want to find focus and direction ITS TIME to just do it. Here are a few tips on how I made a plan and started working it.

1. Make the decision that you are done with excuses
2. Break down your goals, wants, and needs and place them in separate columns
3. Work each column separately, and develop the ideas
4. Now create a plan that is SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely)
5. Put it to ACTION
6. Revisit your plan daily (Tip: Place you goals in a place you visit often in your home)

Make moves people because IT IS TIME TO STEP INTO YOUR DESTINY!

Friday, June 6, 2014

Your Fitness Motivation for the Month of JUNE from @SoPhit4you

Sophia Lafontant
at 2014 Body Builder
I'm so glad to be able to collaborate with this wonderful super woman. She always has great tips that I cant provide you. I can help you determine your goals and get to the next level, but when it comes to fitness this woman is my go to girl. She is always willing to answer silly fat girl questions about fitness.  So I asked her to tell us how she coaches her clients that are always on the go and she responded with this:
When working with my clients, I encourage them to take meals and do ingredient substitutions.  There are many common meals that if ingredients were substituted for a healthier ingredient, an individual could get that satisfaction without the bad results.  My favorite morning sandwich is a homemade bacon, egg, and cheese!
Today’s Recipe:  Egg White Scramble Sandwich
Any veggies of your choice (bell peppers, sweet peppers, mushrooms, spinach)
Egg White
Reduced Fat Cheddar or Mozzarella Cheese
Ezekiel Bread
**Sorry there is no healthy breakfast meat currently.  If you just have to have it, Canadian Bacon has the least amount of fat.
Now for a full body workout that can be completed at home with no weights!!
I love the ladder method for beginners J
Start at 10 and countdown.  You will end up completing 10 cycles of the following:
Push Ups
The first round you will do 10,  2nd round do 9, and 3rd round do 8 all the way down to 1. Take a 60 sec breaks in between every cycle. This workout can be completed while you watch your favorite TV show! 
I then asked Sophia what's new and she told me all about her latest fitness challenge. You can find all the info on FB @
Sophia LaFontant

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Listen: Dr. Maya Angelou Recites Her Poem "Phenomenal Woman" - Super Sou...

RIP to Maya Angelou one of the most influential women of our time. It saddens me that the new generation will not know such a beautiful, intelligent soul like hers. If you believe in love, strength and everything beautiful please share the story of Maya Angelou with your friends, loved ones and the future generation.
Thank you Maya Angelou for sharing your life and your talents with us while you were on this earth. I'm sure heaven is welcoming you with open arms and trumpets blaring!  THANK YOU

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Challenges Left and Right!

I've been so busy the last few weeks working on my eBook and client workbooks. That I got so caught up I forgot about ME time. So what I did was attended a few local art events and would you believe, I was inspired by the talent and bravery of these individuals.

It doesn't take much to help get your work/life balance back into homeostasis. Taking a nap, attending an event or simply read a book for 10min. it can change the outlook of your day or even your week.

So I challenge you to take a moment for yourself!

Friday, May 9, 2014

May may be the Month you pour into yourself!

“Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power.” — Lao-Tzu

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Week 4: Congratulate Yourself

I know its been a hard road but this is the last week of your transformation. Congratulation on all your small and large victories! I know there are still things that you want to accomplish and guess what there is still time!

I also found myself a little behind this week on my plans and had to adjust. However, I did not give up and I don't expect you to do so either! Find the strength to continue and I know you will feel excellent at the end of this week.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Week 3: Pull the Trigger

It's time to PULL THE TRIGGER there is only one full week left in the month after this. You don't want to be caught with you pants down. You will regret not completing all the tasks you planned on.

With that being said lets take a moment to celebrate the victories you have accomplished.
Yay Yay Yay Go You!


Never forget to congratulate yourself on all your victories just don't go overboard, you don't need those new red bottoms, a Panera trip will do.

Remember pulling the trigger is such a hard thing to do, but a necessary part of life. So visit my article on "Pulling the Trigger" for a little inspiration. I know you can do this just put your mind to it and make it happen. Have a great week Dashers!
Pulling the Trigger check it out I'm sure it will help!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Week2: Make constant Assesment

Hey you Dashers I'm sure you had an awesome week of planning and accomplishing the things you have put off for sooooo long.

Now its time to look back and then look forward. What did you really accomplish? What kept you from completing all your tasks?

Here is the time to be real with yourself, did you just not feel like it, did you not use your time wisely? Whatever it could be its OK, just try again this week, but write down beside each goal why you didn't complete it. Then simply complete it!

Again make sure your goals are thought through fully. Don't put goals you think you want but be realistic and choose things that are real and choose things that are hard and easy. Here are some examples of goals:

Goal 1
  1. Work on my attitude by buying a self help book on how to improve my attitude.
    1. Complete book by 04/10/2014
Goal 2
  1. Save for a new baby stroller by bringing my lunch to work 4 days a week and cutting my shopping on misc. items by 50%
    1. Buy stroller by 05/04/2014
Here is a goal sheet to help guide you, GOOD LUCK THIS WEEK! Remember keep it SULTRY!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Week 1: Stop the BS

No more procrastination its time to get things accomplished!
  1. Start setting  goals(financial, personal, career)
  • Remember create SMART goals
    • See my blog about setting goals
2.       Keep your BS meter on at all times
  • check out my blog on BS meters.
3.       Create a dream board and visit it every day
4.       Recruit help from friends or professionals to help keep your motivation
  • There is a dynamic article on my blog about "Pulling the trigger" I'm sure it will get your gears going.
5.       Have confidence in yourself and don’t give up!

Here are some great templates to help organize all aspects of your life.
Grocery List

Email me at if you have any questions, need advice or have any concerns.

Monday, March 31, 2014

The Power of "Recovery"

RECOVERY has to be the most powerful attribute a person can have. You may argue and say forgiveness, kindness, strength are but I will disagree. Without the power of Recovery we will all end up with serious mental health issues, that cant be cured.

The body is amazing and the mind is even more extraordinary. I'm sure you have heard the stories of people going in to comas and waking up after months and years. Only leaving the explanation of it being a miracle and that the mind just needed to fix itself.

Well some of us don't get a time out in that manner. We have had to learn the art of  "RECOVERING" since we were children.
That time your dog died or ran away, the first heartbreak. Some of us have encountered even more dire and tragic situations: those who have faced abuse from a loved one, stricken with poverty or faced a tragic health or life changing event.

However big or small we still all have to pull ourselves up by our boot traps and recover from the situation, in our own special way. You may even think your friends problems are small compared to yours or maybe large compared to your own situation, but I say to each his own.  Only you know how something touches or hurts you.

This is why The Power of Recovery is so important! The Webster dictionary said it the best "regaining possession of something stolen or lost." WOW you cant tell me that when you are down that you don't feel bamboozled, stolen from and the feeling of lack of control. When you don't have the ablility to recover you loose the ablitlity to make decisions. Life feels like its spiraling out of control and you just want it to stop.

Choosing to overcome your situation is a tough decision but those of you who choose to RECOVER, made the hard decision. Giving up is easier than trying, so don't take the easy way out. Making the decision to recover can be done in many ways.

  1. Religion/Spiritual-Turning to a higher power and accepting the love that is preached in religion gives many people hope and confidence to continue on happily.
  2. Professionals-Are always good for learning how to channel anger or confusion in order to help the mind recover from stress.
  3. Mediation-Sitting with yourself and allowing your mind and body to become as one. Helps you to focus and relax in order for you to see things clearly.
  4. Head On- Attack certain situation head on, get your answers, but not at the cost of you life or health.
  5. Closure/Forgiveness- Sometimes the answer will not be revealed so you have to forgive the person or the universe, in order for you to move on and have a happy life.
Make the decision today that tomorrow will be a better day, a new start and new more happier you!

Friday, March 28, 2014

"Pulling the Trigger"

In life we sometimes make hasty decisions and other times we make sound decisions but either way our actions create reactions. Once we pull the trigger we have to wait to see the outcome.
Asking question such as "will it turn out in our favor or will it blow up in our faces."

I recently pulled the trigger and had it turn out sour, making me have to pick up the pieces. Even after the apology was given it left our relationship hurt and battered.

Making decisions in life can be tough but decisions big or small have to be made. We all have to deal with the fall out.

Before making decisions big or small listen to your 1st mind, most times that gut feeling is right.
  • Think through the decisions, envision the different ways it could go Good or BAD.
  • Take ownership of your decision once made.
  • Don't point the finger
  • If the decision turns out positive congratulate yourself but don't gloat.
  • Make it right or learn from the situation if you cant correct it.
Remember making decisions is the first passage in life. You have been doing it since you were able to talk. Which makes you an old pro at any age; therefore, remember what you have done and learn from it. Even when making a decision poses a threat to your happy life, just keep in mind not making a decision is just as bad and as getting a horrible outcome.

Decision making means freedom, it means love, life, and lessons. Do not end up like the person who is making the same bad decisions at 40 they were making at 20. Live life, Pull the Trigger and you will see that you will live a smarter more fulfilling life. If you need help crawling out of the aftermath however, check out "The Power of Recovery" on my blog.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Free 4 week tune up!


Saturday, March 15, 2014

To a wonderful man who cares and encourages me like no other!
Of course this means great relationship tips and we will take this journey together my downfalls, and my victories will be your playbook for success!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Debt Management

College is over and her come the Creditors: Tips of debt management

Are you counting down till the 6months before you become a check book toting, rent paying, suit wearing, 40 hour a week, loan crisis adult? Well let’s not wait till the endless phone calls, letters, and emails fill up your mailbox and inbox from creditors. Get prepared NOW!
·         Do you know what your credit score is?
·         Do you know what’s on your credit report and who is running your credit?
·         Do you know your total student loan and Credit card debt?
·         If you answered NO to any of these questions KEEP READING!
For starters let’s get you in the know
1.       Start by going to—ITS FREE
2. is your next stop to get your credit score and credit advice—ITS FREE
Now that you have this you should have a good grasp on your debt. You should know who will be calling you in 6months. Visit the website of the creditors and create log info in order to check the status of your loan, which should also be stated on the credit report too (delinquent, forbearance, deferred). Now organize that data.
Log in
Mthly bill $25 
Capital 1
Student loan 
Start date Jan. 23 
Before going for the big boy make a short term goal first then go on to the long term items. So let’s talk about short term financial goals. Short term in this case will refer to the smaller, delinquent or close to repayment debt.
Short term debt goal( less than 5,00):
 If you can “Pay It OFF” If not you have some options. Start by organizing the debt into categories of high urgency and low urgency. Below I have defined how I would develop this plan.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Bull S***

The Bull S*** Meter
The BS Meter is an essential tool in personal growth. Many of us go through life playing out this weird “I’m a celebrity in my own eye,” "Reality TV" fantasy world.  Living a high class life style on a Ramen noodle budget and wondering why at the end of the month your bank account is  -0.

It’s time to quit the BS and live your real life. The life where you sometimes have to say, “no I can’t go out tonight” nor “do I really need another red pump”.

It’s time to build a quality life and not a superficial one. Where looking at your account doesn’t create the “The Shudder Effect” (to cringe at your account amount) or deadlines don't overwhelm because they are already met.

Now what excuse do you tell yourself? I deserve it because I had a hard day. In only 10 minutes late. Do you believe the excuses?

“That’s some BS”

Free yourself from the shackles of society, opinions and guilty pleasures and here’s how to do it.

1.       Start setting  goals

2.       Keep your BS meter on at all times

3.       Create a dream board and visit it every day

4.       Recruit help from friends or professionals to help keep your motivation

5.       Have confidence in yourself and don’t give up

When it comes to goal setting here is a Tip:

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Mind Your Business & Get Ahead

Mind Your Business & Get ahead

What is it about the job gossiper that erks your nervous? It’s the lack of professionalism, intelligence, humility and the same reasons your boss hates them too. I’m sure you know exactly who I am talking about. Keep their name to yourself but you know exactly who I’m referring too. On every job I’ve held there is always someone who shares too much or gathers info on you to use for ill intentions. I had to learn very quick that not everyone is your friend and not everyone has good intentions.

Keeping your business personal and close to home will actually help you in your career.  A great example of this is in popular figures in pop culture is mega star BeyoncĂ©. BeyoncĂ© has been able to keep her private life.....well "PRIVATE" and when she decided to share she did it on her own terms by releasing “Life is but a dream”. We all should adopt this philosophy controlling the information that is said about  us. It gives  you control over the sources. There is nothing wrong with having a work persona and a home persona, mixing the two can taint the way others perceive you.

Think about your ultimate goal of working, make more money, and make more money! So who do you think they will give the promotion to? The employee who wines all the time, comes to work mad at the world, and everyone knows exactly what’s happening in their household or the respectable, friendly well-polished, never letting personal stuff effect there appearance or attitude employee. Im sure your picked the second employee.

Here are some tips on topics that are off limits

·         Negative stories about your significant other

·         Your financial state

·         Your daily health aches

·         Anything sexual

·         Other co-workers

·         Unnecessary gossip

·         Complaining about pay or the job

Try keeping the conversations light, even if your co-workers don’t share the same philosophy. I’m not saying don’t share anything about you. I’m saying censor the information you disseminate. Stick to topics such as:

·         How was your day(people they don’t really want to know, just say FINE)

·         Weather

·         Children accomplishments

·         Current events

·         Recipes

·         Sports

The main thing is to keep them guessing. Your co-workers shouldn’t be able to tell your life story for you. So think about what picture your co-workers can paint about you.

By: Shakiyah Woods